Back pain is a relatively prevalent occurrence amongst the general public. Statistics show that about 95% of the population seek consultation for back discomfort at some time in their life. Considering back discomfort is so prevalent, how can you determine if your back pain Newtown is not ordinary or inconsequential? Here are some warning signs to watch out for.
Backache Associated with Lower Limb Ache, Weakness, Or Numbness
Your nerves are responsible for strength and sensation. Once back pain manifests along these symptoms, nerve compression is frequently the cause. Chronic compression of neuronal components can result in irreversible damage and an unrecoverable state; thus, you must thoroughly consider this concern. The main culprits for nerve compression often include a fracture, disc prolapse, infection, malignancy, or serious spine degeneration.
Backache Associated With Night Sweats or Fever
Any back discomfort accompanied by night sweats or fever may indicate an infectious or inflammatory disease of the back muscles. Infectious reasons for back pain generally include Tuberculosis or bacterial infections, which, if they remain unaddressed, can induce spinal collapse, neurological damage, or paralysis. Inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis could trigger fever accompanied by back discomfort, particularly when the illness is exacerbating.
Lingering Nighttime Backache
Back discomfort often lessens with rest and may lessen during sleep. This pain is characteristic of muscular discomfort, as your relaxed muscles are no longer in spasm. Back discomfort that continues during rest or at night is often indicative of a degenerative change in the spine. Most of these degenerative changes result from an infection, cancer, or another tumor.
Back Discomfort Causes Appetite Loss
Back discomfort is unlikely to lead to persistent weight loss or appetite reduction. Typically, once these latter symptoms are present, there is an underlying factor for appetite or weight loss.
Often, during the final stage of cancer, the body sheds weight, and you might lose appetite. In such cases, it is not unusual for cancer to migrate to the spine, which explains the associated back discomfort.
Backache Accompanied By Additional Joint Aches
Back discomfort attributable to a muscle source often appears in isolation. However, once back pain emerges along with other joint discomforts, it could indicate a more significant underlying reason for these recurring body-wide pains. Usually, this aching results from an autoimmune condition affecting many joints.
Backache Lasts Longer Than Six Weeks
Acute or ‘regular’ back pain often resolves in two to four weeks. Discomfort that continues for over six weeks necessitates additional assessment. Typical concerns that lead to chronic back discomfort include infection, fractures, autoimmune conditions, and cancer. You should have a pain specialist or surgeon examine your concerns in these situations.
Although back pain might be tempting to overlook, some symptoms require a specialist’s consultation. If you observe any of the symptoms listed above, do not hesitate to contact an interventional pain management specialist at Performance Pain and Sports Medicine. Your doctor will examine your concerns and tailor therapy to meet your unique needs and pain relief objectives. Call the Houston, TX or Lawrenceville, NJ office or request an online appointment. For more details you can visit to our Pain Management Miami Beach website .