Veins are delicate vessels that transport blood back to the heart, and they have valves that prevent blood from flowing backward and pooling in the legs. If valves are damaged, the veins may not be able to contract properly, and blood may build up in the legs. Factors such as obesity, pregnancy, or old age may also cause the veins to get injured or rupture. Some of the most common vein problems include spider veins New York.
Spider veins are tiny, red blood vessels visible through the skin. They can appear on the face, legs, and other body areas.
Below are the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for spider veins;
The most common symptom of spider veins is itching or burning. Other possible symptoms include:
- Aching, throbbing or cramping sensations in your legs
- Tingling or numbness in your legs
- Skin irritation around the affected area
What are the risk factors for spider veins?
Blood clotting disorders: People with a bleeding disorder called hemophilia can develop blood clots in their legs that cause discoloration or swelling of their skin and tissues. This can lead to varicose or spider veins.
Gender: Women are more likely than men to develop spider veins. This may be because women have a higher level of estrogen, which can cause blood vessels to become fragile and leaky. The reason may be that women tend to have varicose veins earlier in life than men do.
Pregnancy: Pregnancy is a major cause of spider veins because it increases blood volume by 50 percent or more. The extra blood has nowhere else to go but into the skin’s superficial blood vessels, those closest to the surface. This causes swelling and dilation of superficial veins on the legs and sometimes on the face.
Obesity: Being overweight increases your risk of developing varicose veins. The excess weight puts pressure on your large thigh vein (great saphenous vein) as it passes through a tight opening in your groin area (upper thigh). The increased pressure causes the vein walls to stretch and weaken over time, making them more likely to bulge or leak blood into surrounding tissues.
What is the best treatment for spider veins?
Sclerotherapy involves injecting a chemical solution into the vein under high pressure through a needle or catheter inserted into the vein with a local anesthetic. This irritates the vein’s lining, so it collapses and heals over time.
Laser treatment
Laser treatment is a good option if you have only a few small veins in your lower legs. The laser destroys them by heating them with a high-intensity light beam. This causes the vein walls to scar over and block the blood flow through the vein. Sometimes, a small incision may be made to remove the vein under local anesthesia.
Spider veins can be unsightly and uncomfortable. If you have spider veins, you may have an increased risk of developing varicose veins and larger and more severe blood vessels in your legs that can cause swelling, aching, or throbbing pain. For help, contact Upper East Side Cardiology.