When shopping for a multi tool, you want to make sure you buy a quality one. This is especially true if you’re planning on using it in a dangerous situation. There are some incredibly good multi tools on the market today, but it’s important to consider both the features and the durability of each one before buying one.
Ergonomic compromises in multi-tools
There are many multi-tools on the market today, but not all of them are made equal. While the multi-tool industry is a crowded one, the most successful ones stand out from the rest, largely thanks to their innovative design. A great example is the Swiss Army Knife. With a plethora of high-quality tools and an equally impressive array of features and designs, it’s easy to see why this little pocket gem has gained a reputation as a workhorse of the trade.
The multi-tool industry has a rich history and plenty of innovations to its credit. From the first spring-loaded tool that didn’t break a sweat to a cleverly disguised multi-tool that remained in place even while the user was carrying it around, it’s safe to say that modern-day tools and their kin have come a long way. In particular, the multi-tool industry has improved its manufacturing processes. This has led to the creation of products that are more ergonomic and efficient, thus increasing the worker’s productivity and well-being. It’s not surprising, then, that multi-tools have become an integral part of the workplace, both for employees and management alike.
As a result, manufacturers have stepped up their game and rolled out a dizzying array of multi-tools to compete with the best. Aside from the novelty of the multi-tool itself, there are more significant factors that go into making a winning product. For instance, the right materials, construction, and finishing will help ensure a lasting and durable product.
Leatherman’s largest multi-tool is the Leatherman Surge
One of the largest multi tools made by Leatherman is the Leatherman Surge. It has 21 functions and four blades that are outside the main tool. The tool weighs over three pounds. The pliers are the largest on the market and the blades are the longest. This multi-tool is perfect for the working man.
Leatherman’s multi-tools have been designed for tough jobs. They are manufactured in Portland, Oregon. Each tool is built with its own preferences in mind. Some are more inclusive than others. For example, the Surge has a bit driver that holds a reversible Phillips screwdriver bit. You can also purchase a bit kit that fits into the tool and allows you to carry the best bits with you.
The Leatherman Surge has the most features of any other Leatherman tool. It has a pocket clip, a lanyard ring and a blade exchanger. It also has a spring-loaded scissors and replaceable premium wire cutters.
This Leatherman tool has been developed after years of research and prototyping. Despite its heavy weight, the Surge is easy to use. In fact, its user-friendly locks make it very easy to open. If you are looking for a large, durable tool, the Surge is a good option.
Another great feature of the Leatherman Surge is the bit driver. Not only does it allow you to hold the best bit for your situation, it allows you to access all 18 tools with one hand.
SOG PowerAccess Deluxe
If you’re looking for a high-end multitool that’s easy to use and has lots of features, the SOG PowerAccess Deluxe may be a good fit. The multitool comes with a variety of tools, including a knife, saw, and hex bit kit.
One of the most impressive features of the SOG PowerAccess is its compound leverage system. This is a small holder attached to the bottom of the handles that is designed to hold a range of different bits. It is a unique feature of this type of multitool.
Another cool feature is the magnetic hex driver. Basically, a magnet sits at the end of the handles to hold a 1/4″ hex bit in place. With this handy tool, you can drive any 1/4″ socket.
Aside from the hex bit holder, the PowerAccess has four other tools at its disposal. On one side, there’s a flat screwdriver and a bottle opener. Meanwhile, on the other side, there’s a file and a wood saw.
In addition to the tools at hand, the PowerAccess also has a protractor. This is the first time I’ve seen this feature. While I’m not sure if it’s worth the price tag, it is definitely a feature that should be considered.
Other interesting features include the compound leverage plier and the hex bit kit. The plier is a little smaller than other pliers, but it does a pretty decent job of handling the task at hand. However, the hex bit holder is not as effective.
Gerber’s Armbar Drive
Gerber’s Armbar Drive is a small, lightweight multi tool that packs a lot of power in a small package. Featuring an integrated pry bar, bottle opener, and awl, this multitool is the perfect incarnation of functionality, durability, and pocketability. Despite its diminutive stature, this jack of all trades performs like a pro in the field.
The Armbar features a dual-sided bit driver that extends beyond the handle and a sturdy framelock. The magnetized bit holder keeps the tool in place, while the dual-sided bits make quick work of half-inch-diameter wooden pegs. It also boasts a robust one-hand opening blade, a spring-assisted scissors that cut through rope and fabric with ease, and a cleverly crafted bottle opener.
In the end, it is the simplicity of design that shines through. Using the same material as many other similar multitools, the Armbar boasts a compact form factor and a well-made handle. Considering its relatively low price tag, it’s a great investment if you need a basic repair tool. Having all these essentials in a single device is a big plus, as is the ability to easily sharpen the bits.
One feature that stands out in the Armbar is the cleverly crafted awl. Whether you need to pull staples, slit heavy hides, or trim two-inch-diameter wooden pegs, the Armbar’s awl makes short work of any challenge. Despite its modest size, it also boasts a number of other practical features, including a hefty hammer that drives nails with ease.
SOG Center Drive Plus
The Gerber Center Drive Plus is a high-performance multi-tool that packs a lot into a small space. In addition to its main tools, it includes a tool to help you pull and pry nails, a screwdriver, and a bottle opener. It also comes with a leather sheath.
While the Gerber Center Drive Plus has some very innovative features, it suffers from a few quality issues. For one, the pliers feel flimsy and are not as long-lasting as some other multi-tools. On the other hand, the center-drive is heavy, bulky, and doesn’t have a pocket clip.
Despite its shortcomings, the Gerber Center Drive is a solid work tool. It includes a sturdy leather sheath that is berry-complaint. Moreover, it comes with a metal saw/file. Another plus is the replacement wire cutters.
However, it’s a shame that the multi-tool doesn’t have a pocket clip. A small addition could have made a big difference.
One of the best things about this multi-tool is the compound leverage. It uses multiple pivot points to increase the handle’s travel, thus providing more gripping force. This makes every cut easier and provides double the power of the average multi-tool.
Also, the blade is very sharp. The pliers work well. However, it isn’t designed for maximum portability.
Some multi-tools are designed with a low profile pocket clip, which can be useful. Although, the Center Drive Plus doesn’t have a pocket clip, it has a MOLLE compatible sheath.
136 one-piece and credit card multi-tools
When it comes to multi-tools, there are a number of different styles, from the one-piece model to the credit card sized tool. Depending on the manufacturer, each may come with a variety of functions. A few of the most common include screwdrivers, bottle openers, and saw edges. They can also have measurement edges on them, and are usually designed to be able to fit into a standard wallet.
One-piece multi-tools can be a convenient option, but are usually only for light duty applications. Some even have a sharpened edge to be used as a box opener.
The Halifax keychain multi-tool from The James Brand features 5+ built-in functions, including a bottle opener, a scoring tool, and a pry bar. Its black exterior, along with a black lanyard hole, make it a nice addition to any wallet.
For a more conventional model, the Gentleman’s Hardware Credit Card Multi-Tool from Griffin Pocket Tool can be a great option. This credit card sized tool is made from super tough stainless steel and comes with a saw blade, a flathead screwdriver, a ruler, and a metric and English ruler.
Another one-piece multi-tool that’s a bit out there is the Swing Blade Tool, which is a 2.4-inch (6.2 cm) multi-tool with a large flathead screwdriver on one side, and a 420HC stainless steel razor blade on the other. The tool extends to the front, and it is locked by the same action as a liner lock for a knife.