As you age, everything falls under the influence of gravity, including your eyelids, eyebrows, and forehead. Even if you are naturally outgoing, folks may be put off by your droopy features if you are sleepy or angry.
Fortunately, you can fight back against time’s effects and emerge from brow lift surgery looking and feeling revitalized with the help of 817 surgical arts.
Various Methods of Brow Lifting
The three most common methods are conventional, temporal, and endoscopic brow lifts.
1. The traditional (coronal) brow lift
The coronal lift used to be the gold standard, but now that less invasive methods are available, it has gone out of favor. However, there are circumstances in which this method would be required to accomplish the goals at hand.
2. The limited-incision or temporal brow lift
The majority of the time, this is done in conjunction with eyelid surgery. Your doctor will elevate and reposition the outer brow area with incisions that are about an inch long made immediately above each temple and beyond the hairline. In the final step, he raises the area between the eyebrows through the incisions made for the upper eyelid treatment to get rid of frown lines.
3. An endoscopic brow lift
The endoscopic method, which is less intrusive than the other two but still produces good results, is now the standard for brow lift surgery. Your doctor will then place a series of tiny incisions (each about a third of an inch long) close behind the hairline to reduce the appearance of scarring.
Then, he repositions the muscles and elevates the underlying forehead tissue using a small camera and very thin equipment, cutting away any excess as necessary. The effect is a fresh, young arch of the brow.
The aftermath of a brow lift procedure
Brow lifts can be done under general anesthesia, intravenous sedation, and local anesthetic as outpatient surgery. Your doctor will perform most brow lifts using an endoscopic approach, significantly reducing surgical time and recuperation duration.
During surgery, you may have closed your wounds with sutures or staples, which need to be removed around a week later.
After a brow lift, you may feel tightness and discomfort in your forehead, but it should not hurt too badly. Some swelling and bruising are to be expected following the treatment, but both should start to fade around day 10 and be completely gone by week two at the latest.
Your eyes will look brighter and younger, and your expression will be more alert and friendly. Simply put, it is you, just better.
Sagging brows and a frowning expression might be corrected with a brow lift treatment if you are unhappy with how you look.