The first day of school is always a real let down for parents. After being groomed for six months, your kids are finally getting into their traditional uniform – but it’ll be just as dark and dreary as can be when they finally show up. Thankfully, that’s where the film music goes live to comic relief – and not a bad thing at all. Actors have been performing children’s movies in the living room for generations now, so it’s only natural that filmmakers would want to bring those rules of movie-making back home. That’s why we have live theater screenings of our favorite childhood flicks on every single Monday night for parents and kids alike!
What to Watch When You’re Not Watching##
For parents, the first day of school is the most important day of the year. You’re not just educating your kids – you’re teaching them life. So whether you’re in the first or fifth grade, or visiting the first-grader, or the newte, you’re engaging them in a variety of activities. And you’re also encouraging them to think about the big-picture – in today’s world, that means also thinking about the future. So, yes, it’s important to be present in the now, and to keep your eyes on the prize. Apart from all this, you don’t want to miss out on any of your kids’ favorite pastimes. Try to make time for your kids to play video games, read books, watch TV, and do anything else that brings them joy. That way of life is why we love to be parents – and it’s exactly why we should be spending our time raising a happy, healthy, and committed little family.
Why Live Theater is Good for Parents
Well, the basic idea is the same as with almost any other kind of entertainment: it keeps your kids busy, engaged, andOn the surface, the idea of putting a live performance into a school auditorium might sound like a pretty standard one: you have the kids in front of the camera, you have them reading from a script, and you have a few audience members clapping along as the performances are made. Another way to put it is that it’s about as educational as you can get. When you’re in the room with your kids, you’re actually experiential learning. And the best way to experience that is to watch the movies the kids are in. This is especially important if your kids have a younger age; it’s easy to miss what’s happening in the movie because your kids are too busy playing and being in the movie. When they’re older, they’ll appreciate how much of an impact live theater has on their lives and they’ll want to see more.
Kids’ Basesided theaters
Kids’ basesided theaters are the ultimate way to go. These are situations where the entire theater is made up of little children, so you can actually see what they’re thinking while they watch the movie. Kids’ basesided theaters don’t require an audience; you can bring the whole house. And since they’re set in the theater, there’s no chance of the kids crowding the screen. On the contrary: the smaller the audience, the larger the screen. Even in a packed room, the kids will have a great time being part of the whole experience. What you need to do is bring the audience in with the music, the story, and the other visual content; then, as the movie starts to get going, get your kids’ attention (and theirs too) by clapping and cheering them on. This is the essence of stageania, the art of establishing and building anticipation for a performance before it happens.
Super Anime Go!
For a completely different kind of presentation, you can go the extra mile and find a live performance space that specializes in doing so. The Super Anime Go! series is exactly what it sounds like – a collection of various animation series, starting with the very first one and ending with the very last one. For a full-on live performance experience, you need a theater that has a stage – and only a stage. A small, family-friendly event, the Super Anime Go! event offers everything you need to make your kids feel right at home: a place to relax, watch a show, eat snacks, and drink your way through the experience.
Live Theater in the Schools
If you’re going to spend the money to get your child to the ‘nether’ (as in, the outside world), you should definitely get them involved in some creative and meaningful ways. From creative writing programs to Easter Egg hunts, having them try to crack codes, invent new words, and create original art works, getting them in on all of the fun is the key to success. A theater in the school can allow for a lot more interactivity and creative expression, which helps build soundness and confidence in each child as they grow. When you have the whole school involved in creating and promoting your favorite goods, you get the full support you need to succeed.
Parents and Kids Go to the TheaterTogether
On the surface, it might seem like the two of you should be at opposite ends of the spectrum. You should definitely be against the idea of bringing your kids to the movies, and you should definitely be in favor of having them watch the movies together. That said, having two audiences in the same room at the same time is definitely stretching it. And, while it’s likely that you two will spend a lot of time together in the theater, you don’t have to be sharing the same seat with your kids in the frame. You can have separate tables and chairs and even have separate owners.
The best part about being a parent is that, unlike most other jobs, you can spend the day teaching your kids about life and business as well as having them laugh and play. The best part about being a parent is that you get to spend time with your kids, with them as much as possible, helping them to be the best version of themselves. Now, it’s time to choose your next movie – and see if there’s anything in it that you like.